Potassium Fixation by Phyllosilicate Clay Minerals

Potassium Fixation by Phyllosilicate Clay Minerals


Can someone explain how potassium fixation by phyllosilicate clay minerals occur? I'm not able to understand the diagram in the slides.

Thank You!

RaunaqNambiar (talk)01:13, 20 March 2020

Potassium fixation is analogous to ammonium (NH4) fixation: the process amounts to “lock up” K ions in the interlayer spacings of 2:1 phyllosilicates. Weathering at the crystal edge can make fixed K available, but this release can occur only slowly. A significant portion of applied K-fertilizer may become fixed and therefore made unavailable in soils containing abundance of these type of 2:1 minerals (called fine-grain mica or ilite).

MajaKrzic (talk)02:39, 20 March 2020