Illustration of four major types of of reserve forms of nutrients

Illustration of four major types of of reserve forms of nutrients

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Last edit: 22:52, 26 April 2020


In lecture 24, nutrient cycles N and S, on page 17 there is a small picture illustrating the different reserves of nutrients. I was wondering, for each of these forms, if I am correct in thinking that the arrow going towards the form (e.g. minerals precipitate) is saying that that is how nutrients become stored in the mineral?

Thanks very much!

GretchenMacNaughton (talk)22:52, 26 April 2020

Close but not quite exactly "stored in the mineral" .... That particular arrow that you mention is indicating the pathway of mineral (or ionic) form of an element becoming plant unavailable through a process of chemical precipitation (ie formation of a solid crust.
Without going into deeper explanation here, what would be important to remember from that particular slide is that for each nutrient there are processes that make it available to plants, and those that make them unavailable to plants.

MajaKrzic (talk)23:21, 26 April 2020

Thank you!

GretchenMacNaughton (talk)15:23, 27 April 2020