Final Exam Questions
1. Humic substances are indeed formed as a result of various synthesis processes carried by numerous soil organisms (e.g. bacterial, fungi, actynomicetes).
2. Freezing / thawing process brings soil particles closer together, allowing flocculation to take place, which in turn enhances aggregation
Thank you! In the 2008 Final, I had trouble identifying the soil order of the following soil:
LFH( 5-0 cm)
Ah (0-8 cm)
Cgj (9-40 cm)
(mixed firest under cold and humid climate, somewhat restricted drainage)
I can't decide if this is a gleysolic soil or regosolic soil. It does not have a B horizon, which makes me think it is a regosol. However, the cgj layer is greater than 10 cm, which is characteristic of gelysol.
Hi, Maja. For this 2008 final question, is that because the Cg horizon also has a j, which means the Cg horizon is not obvious, so it's not gleysol ? Or is there some other reasons? Thanks!