Concept Clarification

Concept Clarification

As simple as it sounds, can you please tell me the simplest difference between eluviation and illuviation? As far as I know, they are both a movement of soil matter in the soil horizons right?? (And they are both downward movements??)

JiamingWang (talk)19:50, 16 April 2018

One way to think about eluviation is "washing out" and illuviation as "washing in". Thus Ae is an eluviated A horizon - where organic matter, clay or Al/Fe oxides may be eluviated (or washed out) of the A horizon. Illuvial horizons include Bt, Bf, Bh where clay, Fe/Al oxides or organic colloids are "washed in" or accumulate.

SandraBrown (talk)23:08, 16 April 2018