Tag Definitions

Tag Definitions


Hey all,

So I started to think about the tagging system more thoughtfully - I think these tags need descriptions.

For example, I crated a tag called Sequences - for this I would like the definition to be "straight forward sequence convergence without the use of theorems"

For example, if you need to use things like MCT or squeeze thm, this should be like a separate category maybe?

OR alternatively, I would like to able to link to a tag page that has "sequences" as the only tag. I'm making a syllabus for MATH 103 and would like to give students a reference to relevant problems - but of course I'd rather not type in every single problem each and every time I want to reference it - that's what the tagging system should be capable of doing.

So I ask - is there away to maybe have a page that has "Tags including sequences but excluding all other tags"?

Does my question make sense and is this possible?

CarmenBruni (talk)23:28, 27 November 2013