Talk:Teen pregnancy

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Suggestion016:21, 5 April 2015
Suggestion023:27, 3 December 2014
Information022:27, 25 November 2014
Suggestion 019:42, 23 November 2014


Great topic choice - I found your article very interesting to read, you touched on so many topics! I thought perhaps you could link your "Teen Pregnancy in Television" section to the actual prevalence of teen pregnancy today, or how it hurts/helps the issue. I would be interested to see any stats that exist on the relation between the media and pop culture's portrayal of teen pregnancy and actual teen pregnancy rates. Because you touched on so many fascinating topics, I think it would be great if at the end of each major section there was a brief write-up on how it relates to pregnancy rates among teens, or what it means for teens. Great page!

SophiaReinhart (talk)16:21, 5 April 2015


Love your topic. I found studying this topic in the course extremely fascinating and am glad that someone is continuing it onto their wiki. The information you have provided is amazing, however I would suggest making it a little more wordy. You definitely get the information across to the reader, which is the idea. I personally would like to be able to read it a little more, perhaps elaborating a little more on your points and tying it all together would round it out a little more. Keep up the great work!

SpencerBritten (talk)23:27, 3 December 2014


Hi Tally, this wiki is off to a good start, though it seems you may be struggling with what to write. Some topics that would be interesting and relevant to your page that you could expand on are supported statistics of teen pregnancies in a localized area, you could give case study examples of women who have suffered the consequences of teen pregnancy. You could also expand on the prevention methods: give example products, their prices, how accessible they are.

MichelleHebert (talk)22:27, 25 November 2014


A heading that would be useful for understanding the demographics of Teen Pregnancy would responses. In this section you can discuss how Politicians react to teenage pregnancy and trends of teenage mothers with social assistance, welfare etc.. Good work.

BipinGoldsmith (talk)19:42, 23 November 2014