Talk:Struggles of Resettled Refugees

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Wiki Response003:27, 27 July 2019
Suggestions003:27, 27 July 2019

Wiki Response

This is a great start to your Wiki assignment. I love how you have used many case studies, such as that of Luma Mufleh. This really seems to show the personal, human aspect of this topic, for instance that refugees are more than just numbers and figures, but each has a unique story. Don't forget to add a fifth academic source, and perhaps consider adding a different type of source than a TedTalk or video, such as a journal article, to further strengthen the breadth of your work. It is interesting that you discuss the "Second A Day" Save the Children video, as I remember how much of an impact that video had on me when it came out, and it is very interesting to see how I still remember it many years later. This shows how the emotional, personal aspect of videos such as these are very good at making an issue relevant to people across the world, and therefore in succeeding at their goal to bring attention to the crisis.

EmmaProctor (talk)03:27, 27 July 2019


Hi! I really enjoyed reading your wiki and found it very engaging. I remember watching the Save the Children video, but had never paused to consider the negative impacts the video may have on refugees. I think it may be helpful to add an introduction section just to provide context on the subject you are talking about. Having some statistics on the refugee crisis could help to show how widespread the issue is and how many people it may affect. If you have any room leftover, it also could be good to talk about some possible solutions/NGOs that help refugees settle in their new homes and make them feel more at home. Overall, I really liked your article and I look forward to reading the final draft!

SarahGordon1 (talk)03:27, 27 July 2019