Talk:Self Induced Abortion in the United States

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Suggestion for your topic 007:07, 28 July 2018
Interesting! Maybe add more detail?002:04, 27 July 2018
Interesting topic! 001:38, 27 July 2018
My comment to your post!001:26, 27 July 2018
A Great Start to a Great Topic023:15, 22 July 2018

Suggestion for your topic

This is an interesting (though tragic) topic. My suggestion is to focus on your intersectional analysis and expand on how this issue affects different social groups. You mention how lower class women/women of color are affected more than white people, so I think you should expand on this by explaining more why this happens, and include some statistics/examples. If you have enough material I think it would be good to make that it’s own section. I also think it would be interesting to tie in wider societal issues of sexism/the patriarchy that causes restrictions on abortion and women’s health.

JustineSultan (talk)07:07, 28 July 2018

Interesting! Maybe add more detail?

It was really interesting to see an overview of the history and effects of self-induced abortions. I wasn't aware of the vast prevalence of sepsis among women who self-induce abortions. For someone who isn't aware, I think it would be very interesting if for your final draft you could go into more detail about the Wade v. Roe case and what it actually meant and maybe a bit more detail on the level of the legality of abortions across the different states.

FarzadDaei (talk)02:04, 27 July 2018

Interesting topic!

I found this topic to be very interesting. I think including examples and some form of media would be helpful. You could also touch more on what we learned in weeks 1-2 with this topic. I definitely learned a lot from reading your page so I personally don't think it is lacking in that department. I think you could go beyond facts and maybe provide examples. You could use something similar to your reference to the Roe vs. Wade to provide an example.

NavneetMann (talk)01:38, 27 July 2018

My comment to your post!

Your topic is very interesting, and I definitely learnt something I did not know about! Maybe since a lot of the topic covered in this course talked about Canadian history, maybe you can relate it or juxtapose both countries with self induced abortions? For example, in the past in Canadian history, self-induced abortion was prevalent such as by using a coat hanger! (I mention this in my wiki post if you want to check it out!)

Also, it would be more engaging if you added some pictures to your wiki post! But other than that, I loved reading your post and I definitely learnt something about abortion that I did not know is happening in the United States.

YukaOshimi (talk)01:26, 27 July 2018

A Great Start to a Great Topic

I found that your wiki topic was interesting, and relevant to what is going on in America today. I enjoyed your thought process and layout of the page. However, it felt as though it may benefit from examples of self induced abortion, maybe from a media source. I feel as though examples would open really grasp your readers attention even further. As you do mention abortion clinics, maybe you can talk about how the clinics are portrayed in media. If you relate back to the course notes, an example of this could be the abortion clinic in the movie Juno. Try braking up your text with images relating to your topic, I feel as though it would help your page drawing more visual attention. Over all I believe you have a great start and a great topic.

CierraSkov (talk)23:15, 22 July 2018