Talk:Homosexuality in the Holocaust

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback Comment - By: Isabelle Durrans021:05, 19 March 2018
Peer Review018:33, 19 March 2018

Feedback Comment - By: Isabelle Durrans

Hey! I think this topic is extremely important, so good for you to focus on this topic. Intersectionality theory is presented nicely as the Holocaust was a genocide on Jewish’s people but also, as you state on homosexual people as well. One thing that I think could make your page stronger is finding a specific example of a homosexual person in the Holocaust. This may be difficult to find but it could be very rewarding and interesting. Or another thing could be to really expand on a specific Law / Rule that deeply impacted these peoples lives (other than the concentration camps). As a reader, I would also like to see more information about the ‘Experimentation’ section, seems interesting so lets hear some more! -Isabelle Durrans - 70727284

IsabelleDurrans (talk)21:03, 19 March 2018

Peer Review

Hi there!

You've chosen such an interesting topic highlighting a heinous aspect of the Holocaust that I believe has received less recognition than it warrants. The aspects you have outlined are all extremely informative and detailed very nicely! However, I noticed that some paragraphs, notably the ones under the headings of "Gay Men" and "Lesbian & Trans Individuals", did not have many citations for the information provided, which makes it difficult to determine where the information is coming from and to examine these outside sources for their validity. Additionally, while you have mentioned you are already over the word limit for the assignment, I believe it would be incredibly beneficial to have a small section at the end detailing how the treatment of these peoples went unrecognized for so long during the post-war period, and the governmental apologies and policies that have been adopted since in order to bring your topic full-circle.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading your wiki and am very excited to see the final product!

TaylynJameson (talk)18:33, 19 March 2018