Talk:Health disparities between the Natives and non-Natives in Canada and the COVID-19

From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Visuals017:20, 26 July 2020
Structure and simplicity018:47, 24 July 2020
References and Citations017:46, 20 July 2020

Hey, great work on your research! Not sure if you're done, but maybe adding a picture or two would pull together the wiki, whether it's a statistic image or an image related to COVID-19.

JulianaCasas (talk)17:20, 26 July 2020

Structure and simplicity

Well performed investigation, the sources seem reliable and the research looks very well intentioned to expose ideas and remain in a diplomatic writing style. I see that one of the main areas to work could be the synthesis of your paragraphs, the density makes them hard to read when too long. Perhaps once you use the feature of references that someone else already recommended there might be significant change. In the meantime I would just edit a little bit the paragraphs to make them simple and legible.

JoseReyeros (talk)18:47, 24 July 2020

References and Citations

This is a really interesting and topical issue for your wiki article!

I was reading it over and found that you used in-text citations similar to MLA format. However, because this assignment is emulating Wikipedia articles, I recommend using the "cite" option instead. This can be done by, while in editing mode, clicking on the "Cite" button and filling in the available information. Not only is it easier than MLA formatting since you just have to fill-in the blanks and it'll order everything for you, but it also makes the page easier to read for the audience. Furthermore, it will automatically fill the References section of your page and renumber itself as necessary! I wanted to let you know about this before you finished the page because it's usually a lot of effort to go back and re-cite a project.

Great job so far and good luck as you continue writing!

AngelaLam2 (talk)17:46, 20 July 2020