
From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback007:01, 3 December 2018
References and Images 002:03, 3 December 2018

Really unique topic! I found your information be really interesting, however, adding images throughout your page would have made the text more eye-catching as bodies of text alone may lose the attention of your readers. I think if you reorganized 'Racialized Sexism' in the beginning, it might make the paper overall more succinct as I found that that paragraph stuck out at the ending when it could have been introduced somewhere in your beginning thoughts. I would love to see you expand on specific cultures of interest and examine the different beauty norms out there.

CearaClaridad (talk)07:01, 3 December 2018

References and Images

Hi! I noticed that you did not reference your resources by using the UBC Wiki citation tool, you might want to fix it before officially submitting! Additionally, adding pictures could add a lot more relevance, connections and engagement to your Wiki Entry. The topic of your Entry, however, is very interesting!!

SharonMichaeli (talk)02:03, 3 December 2018