
From UBC Wiki


Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Comments009:14, 3 March 2019
Feedback005:07, 2 March 2019
Comments on Sexualization of SororityWomen001:00, 2 March 2019

Hi there,

Thank you for providing the context and purpose in which sororities were created as well as bringing attention to the deviation from that original intent through the exploitation of sexualized sorority women in media. I enjoyed the commentary that you provided on the respective exploitation as I can find myself watching skewed and biased portrayals of sorority women which have nothing to do with female fraternities' original purpose of founding and female empowerment. I feel that the misrepresentation and exploitation of sorority in media can have harmful anti-feminist influences on members of the Greek system as well as people who are not part of the Greek system by perpetuating negative stereotypes about sorority women and by perpetuating notions of sexism like slut shaming. Also, don't forget to cite using the "cite" function at the top of the edit page to create footnotes for the content that you're citing so we know which ideas are yours, awesome read!

AmandaLee (talk)09:14, 3 March 2019

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this read. I really liked that you included the purpose behind sororities; that they originated with the intent to empower women. Many people do not realize that even today, active sorority members still practice the values that stem from the original purpose of supporting women. I found myself nodding my head along to your depiction of the negative light that many movies shed on Greek life. It would be interesting to read some information on the action taken or lack of from universities/colleges regarding their fraternity’s alarming sexual assault statistics. As for the layout and overall Wiki page, my feedback would be to include a brief introduction (before the history heading).

MichelleDoray (talk)05:07, 2 March 2019

Comments on Sexualization of SororityWomen


I enjoy your coverage on the topic and I think that your subheadings and titles are very coherent regarding your topic. Regarding the layout of the page, I think if you separate and categorize the topics under their own header it would provide further organization (ie. History separated from Statistics). Likewise, for References you can use the Wiki Cite function to have tagged hyperlinked citations, and it would automatically help you create your Reference List on the bottom too, rather than having to manually complete the citations.

In general, I think the topic you have chosen is very applicable to the environment we experience in our school lives especially in regards to media being a large part of our perception about what "sorority life" is like on campus. It is interesting that although sororities were initially created to empower female, it slowly allowed gender roles to be further segregated because of media exploitation and gender role ideologies. Your coverage on the topic is very thorough and I think you've done a great job in your research!

WingYanClaraTang (talk)01:00, 2 March 2019