TA training/CoP meetings/May 17, 2017

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New and Returning TAs

Facilitator: Shaya Golparian

This page gathers notes and thoughts about this meeting.

Facilitated activities:

Brainstorming activity

What needs do returning TA’s have?

  • Preparing for Job Market
  • Professional Development
Transit into Sessional Teaching
  • Novelty/Stimulation
change in role --> Mentoring
  • Disciplinary Teaching Perspective
  • Time Management
  • Mentoring New TAs
  • Role
  • Self Reflection Process
Reflection on their Eval or Student Eval of TEaching (SEoT)
  • "Venting Space" - Conflict Resolution (Teachable Moments)
  • Community/networking/support

Design a Returning TA program

What would the program look like? How would it function? Logistics of getting it started.

PROGRAM A: Mentorship and Leadership in Teaching


  • How to provide constructive feedback
  • Setting boundaries and expectations (time, etc)
  • How to motivate your mentee


1. Half day workshop before term that reviews fundamentals - eg: feedback, empathetic/active listening, goal setting
Faculty round table with TAs to talk about experiences around mentoring and leadership
(i.e: great mentors, less than ideal, what class?, etc)
2. Experiential Pair-up with Junior TAs
Regular scheduled meetings (to help with accountability)
Peer feedback on teaching (lows tress, formative, casual)
Senior TAs observe Junior TAs and also later Junior TAs observe Senior TAs
(Note: Informal Cop (or e-mail list among mentors))
3. Mid-term booster
Check-in that things are working
Address challenges
Identify things to improve on
  • Check-in/Feedback at the end with mentors and Mentees


  • Connecting with CTLT and other units for resources, support, etc to run workshops
  • TA Training coordination:
Pairing up, resources and support for mentors
Reviewing feedback -modify program (formative eval)
Room bookings
  • Tangible reward structure (letter of recognition, etc) (for buy in)
  • Coffee/Food/Snacks from budget (for buy in)



  • Develop Mentorship Skills
  • Foster Sense of Empowerment
  • Respond to critical Feedback


1. Peer Review - Class-based (2 sessions)
Introduce program structure
Learning to give feedback
2. Outside Mentorship
3. Session on how to understand and respond to evaluations (this could lead to course development)
Elicit feedback from undergrad group
using "venting" to create case studies for practice improvement


Coordinating who has expertise in what
Coordinating between undergrad, grad and faculty
Certification (for buy in)
Coffee/Food/Snacks from budget (for buy in)



1. Professionalization
Disciplinary approaches
Own courses
2. Time management/Efficiency


  • Peer visits & feedback
Self reflection
Peer mentor interviews
  • Session on effective and efficient feedback


Pay TAs to participate in peer feedback/visits (buy in)