Science talk:MER/Flags

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
edits203:05, 3 November 2013
Adding / Removing / Changing Flags306:20, 7 March 2012

Can we add how to actually change the flags? There's a note under the "add content" flag heading, but I think it should be its own section...

ChristinaKoch (talk)13:34, 6 September 2013

Done, feel free to review.

Bernhard Konrad (talk)19:18, 24 October 2013

Looks good!

ChristinaKoch (talk)03:05, 3 November 2013

Adding / Removing / Changing Flags


When we update flags, the flags are found in the mother page of the exam question, but not in the individual question statement, hint statement or solutions statement page. For e.g.

After submitting contribution to the question statement for Question 9 in Math 101 April 2010, I should navigate back to the page

to change the to in this mother page.

But not at the child page:

Actually that was my first contribution and I added to the child page... the end result is that this page appears in both:


So it seems a flagging directly the child page is possible and some iterative process was used to enumerate all pages with and list them under one page. Could we have created an empty question page with flags already within each child page? It's kind of more intuitive and convenient for me. Better yet, if we can put a checkbox or stars (like the watch button) in the page that'll be great. I understand it'll be too much technical right now, but I write it here for future reminder.

simontse19:46, 6 March 2012

So in the current system, newly created pages have pre-written flags (CQ, CH, CS and CT) at the mother level (.../Question 1). It is true that flags could be added at the child level (.../Question/Statement) but it makes life much harder for everybody and creates a lot of duplicates. So the recommendation is to keep flags at the question page level and not at any of its child.

Hope that's clear enough.

David Kohler19:58, 6 March 2012
Edited by author.
Last edit: 06:20, 7 March 2012

It happens that I changed the flag instruction exactly as how you reply. I did not intend to suggest a change for now. Just as a placeholder for future thoughts. And if new contributor got confused he/she will understand what's happening by reading this discussion.

simontse20:16, 6 March 2012

Just saw the edit, I think it's great!

David Kohler20:19, 6 March 2012