Main Page/LIBR535/Wk4signup

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For Week 4's class, you will read one of the articles labelled Article 1 and Article 2 (see below and they are also listed in Brightspace for Week 4), and we will do some teaching of the concepts in your article in Week 4. You will not be alone! There will be lots of others who also signed up for your article and you will work as a group to decide how to get across the main ideas.

Type your name on one of the lines underneath the article you want to read:
Article 1: The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy
Michael Fagbohun
Martin Zhang
Courteney Belai
Andrea Edwards
Jess Leja
Atreya M
Justina B
Karen M
Emma G
Matthew M
Rebecca Z
Sofia Walmark
Eileen C

Van T

Article 2: Threshold Concepts and Information Literacy
Hannah Van Vleet
Amber Gallant
Nora Varga
Claire Vulliamy
Maggie Kikkert
Emma Cornelius
Elim Ren
Emma Smith
Caja Blomley
Ruby Lindsay
Sam Snodgrass
Hope Gresser
Tara Rogic