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Sign up for your Mini Lesson

I have booked rooms for Weeks 9 and 10, so you can teach your mini lessons. Please put your name in one of the rooms below, in the first (Mar 11) or second (Mar 18) week of teaching. That will be your teaching slot. You will teach your lesson on that date in the order listed in the table (top name goes first) and the other students who sign up to teach in your room will be your students. Similarly, you will be a student for the other teachers who sign up in your room. Note that since we're running lessons over two weeks, there will be 7 people in your room on both weeks, 3 of whom will be teachers in week 1 and 4 of whom will be teachers in week 2.

Please indicate whether you'll be doing a 30 min or 45 min lesson. If you have a 45 minute lesson, please sign up in Week 1, as we will have less time to accommodate longer lessons in Week 2.

Since we have 21 students in the class, this means we'll have three groups of seven.

March 11 (Week 9):

Group 1 (Room: ORCH 3062) Group 2 (Room: ORCH 3068) Group 3 (Room: ORCH 3072)
Teacher 1: Jordan Kerr (45 min) Teacher 1: Kate (45 minutes) Teacher 1: Keith
Teacher 2: Elizabeth (45 min) Teacher 2: Carolyn (40 minutes) Teacher 2: Celia
Teacher 3: Rosemarie (45 min) Teacher 3: Lisabelle (45 min) Teacher 3: Reign
Teacher 4: Sam Elkind

March 18 (Week 10):

Group 1 (Room: ORCH 3062) Group 2 (Room: ORCH 3068) Group 3 (Room: ORCH 3072)
Teacher 1: Gabriella Teacher 1: Chloe Teacher 1: Gage (30min)
Teacher 2: Elina Teacher 2: Jaclyn Teacher 2: Xiyuan
Teacher 3: Anita Teacher 3: Keren Teacher 3: Casey
Teacher 4: Kat Teacher 4: Minghui Teacher 4: Anisha

Note that should anything be amiss with the above classrooms, we have two backup rooms: ORCH 3018 and ORCH 3004 which we can use if we need them.

Equipment needed:

Note that for your lesson, you may need an adaptor for the projector (Fiona has two she can lend if you have a mac). The port needed is HDMI or VGA. Last semester, the ORCH rooms came equipped with them, but it wouldn't hurt to bring one just in case.

We will be recording the lessons, and Fiona has booked the two recorders that SLAIS owns, as well as two tripods. However, if you don't want to use those, or you are the third group (there are only two recorders), you will need to have an alternate means to record your lesson. I also want each student to have a backup device for recording (can be a phone, a peer's computer, etc.) in case the main recording fails (as has happened in the past).

If you want to use Fiona's white board markers, please let her know.