Library:Open Scholarship Sub-Committee/OS Briefing Paper

From UBC Wiki

The Open Scholarship Briefing Paper serves as a high-level summary of current open scholarship activities and initiatives -- within and in collaboration with the Library across both campuses -- providing a common foundational knowledge from which library executive can offer guidance.

The paper was presented to Heather Berringer, Chief Librarian and Associate Provost, Learning Services (UBC-O) and Aleteia Greenwood, Interim Associate University Librarian, Research (UBC-V) on behalf of the Open Scholarship Sub-Committee, reporting to DAL & RESC.

Meeting Outcomes

The directions for open scholarship on campus remain undefined as work on the Strategic Framework continues. However, providing suggested ways to work across campuses in support of open education and open science was mentioned as a way to begin progressing this work in the Library. The following is a brainstorming document addressing this suggestion,

Workflows Across Campus - Brainstorm

  • Research Commons integration - supports for open science
    • Shift in how content is presented - OSF, data verse, command line terminal, R (focus on process and how to interweave them together - what problem is each solving)
    • Common dialogue throughout
  • Cross campus - training opportunities for RC students to offer content
    • How can they implement delivery of workflow content - not standalone but an entire series of practices to conduct good research (about process not tool)
    • Provide webinar instruction to serve physical campus - developed for an online environment (with activities that are developed specifically with this in mind)
    • Need to full webinar suite and the plugin to the centralized system (maybe pilot)
  • OS Librarian role- will need to work with the librarians of the RC to support this work , may need to be a part of the planning meetings, so it’s more about a triage approach to the work (certain level of capacity in Vancouver with greater learning at UBC-O)


  • Landing page of the library should have research supports as a focus - should be framed in the context of open science
  • If this should reside in the library there needs to be a component in the library webspace
  • Can there be a landing space on open - that feeds out to the right pages for open related activities
  • Ways of supporting cross campus training and support (what level of frequency of flying to each others campus - 4 times a year?)
    • Need funding for this to support each other on campus


  • Discoverability within the library system around OSF content, data, OER - discoverability metadata (DOI is a locator not a tool for discovery)
    • How does UBC see itself working with other organizations to make the content discoverable within our systems
  • Student supports that are reoriented to supporting this emerging area

Additional Areas of Improvement

Open Data

  • Architecture available for open data (scholars portal) but not a part of the instructional dialogue - archive vs. open data, when is it relevant, what portions of data to share to open data repository.
  • Possible direction of open to be a part of the instructional pieces for RDM
  • Investigate if workflows will change for people if we discuss open data - copyright, metadata, platform issues. May not be adding additional work just an additional lense
  • Dedicated repository to share data is an issue - finding where to share the data