Library:Library Research Skills for EAL Students/Module3/Page7

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Here is a list of important words with definitions:
Clues: information which may lead a person to a certain point or conclusion.
Densely: in a manner that is compact or crowded together.
Differing Viewpoints: different positions from which something is observed or considered; different opinions.
Distinction: the act of dividing or separating two or more people, objects, or concepts based on their qualities.
Dust Jackets: the sleeve that covers the outside of books.
Formal Review Process: the process of reviewing and evaluating written work to determine whether or not they should be published.
Observations: the act of noting and recording some event, or the record of such noting, such as in an experiment.
Qualifications: the act or process of qualifying, or being suitable for, a particular job or position.
Slick Graphics: images or other visuals that appear expensive or sophisticated, but may actually be untrustworthy.
Trickier: harder to deal with or more complicated.

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