Library:Building Your Academic Profile/Content/OpenEd
Digital Repositories
Have you completed original research for a graduate seminar or course? Consider archiving your paper in cIRcle, UBC's institutional repository. You're probably familiar with cIRcle because archiving your thesis or dissertation there is mandatory, but they also accept graduate papers with approval from your course instructor or supervisor. Check out their getting started guide for students.
If you've published an article in your field, you may also want to explore archiving in a subject repository. This varies from discipline to discipline and also depends on the post-publication rights in your author agreement. Ask your subject liaison librarian for help identifying repositories in your area of research.
e.g. EconPapers; Example: UBC Economics professor Mauricio Drelichman
Open Education Resources
Open educational resources (OERs) are freely accessible and openly licensed resources that are useful for teaching, learning, and research. They can include, but are not limited to, syllabi, reading lists, handouts and course readings, PowerPoint slides, and even videos. You can leverage all the time you spend teaching by publishing your teaching materials online for others to use in their own instruction. If you've spent a lot of time developing a new course, sharing the resources openly can help you get more credit for your work. For more information on OER, visit CTLT's resource page.
UBC Examples
- e.g. Arts One Arts One Digital Open, online extension or complement to Arts One that enables anyone to join this voyage of discovery and critical analysis.
- e.g. SPAN 312 Murder Madness and Mayhem wiki
- e.g. Phylo: Biology Trading Card Game by David Ng
OER Repositories
Content Curation
We are presented with a sea of information every day and sometimes the greatest service is to help sort it all in a meaningful way. Content curation takes many forms but usually starts when an interested individual takes it upon themself to help others find related materials. Some ideas for content curation include:
- Twitter lists
- Using Twitter for Curated Academic Content
- Life Science Hashtags Google spreadsheet
- Bibliographies e.g. Bibliography of Research on Social Network Sites
- Open Bibliographies using Zotero or Mendeley
- e.g.Ancient World Open Bibliographies plus related blog Ancient World Open Bibliographies
- Creating an authority page using a Wiki