
From UBC Wiki


Undergraduate students at UBC can deposit coursework in the Undergraduate Research collection. They must be currently enrolled at the time of submission.

Students must obtain approval from their course instructor or supervisor.

What can I submit?

Materials created as part of your UBC coursework may include:

  • Honours theses
  • Conference presentations
  • Podcast or video recording assignments

Consult the cIRcle Content Guidelines for more examples.

Submission Instructions

  1. Get approval. Ask your course instructor or supervisor to complete the Undergraduate Student Submission Approval Form.
  2. Check copyright. Remove copyrighted images, graphics, or logos from your submission. Only include those you created or have permission to use. Consult the Check Copyright tab for tips and resources.
  3. Remove private information. This includes student numbers, contact info, and comments. This 10 minute tutorial shows how to remove metadata from a PDF or Word Document.
  4. Make sure your work is ready for public view. Submit only the final, approved, clean copy of your work. We may not support change requests. We intend to preserve content added to cIRcle for long-term, stable access.
  5. Submit content and the License. Use the Item Submission Form to fill out the cIRcle Non-exclusive Distribution License and upload your file.

Common Questions

What is the cIRcle License?

The cIRcle Non-exclusive Distribution License gives cIRcle permission to make your work openly available in UBC’s institutional repository for future generations.

The cIRcle License also lets you choose which Creative Commons License terms to add to your work. This helps others know how to share and re-use your content with proper attribution.

What if I’m submitting as part of a group?

You can complete one Item Submission Form on behalf of your group. Be sure to add your group member and instructor email addresses in the form so everyone receives a copy.

How long will the submission take?

Once we receive the instructor approval form and a complete submission form, we will deposit your work in cIRcle. We will also email a link to your item in Open Collections within 7-10 business days.

Missing information, copyright, or privacy concerns will delay your submission.

Get help

Contact cIRcle



Checking Copyright

All submissions to cIRcle must comply with copyright law. If your paper or project contains copyrighted materials, those materials must be used with proper permission. For more information, please see the Student Copyright FAQ and the Copyright Guidelines for UBC Faculty, Staff and Students.

Determining if your paper or project has copyrighted materials

Generally speaking, any material which was not created by you or your group may be under copyright. Some questions you should ask yourself to determine if your paper or project contains copyrighted materials are:

  • Does it include any images, including stock images, that were not made by me/members of the group?
  • Does it include images that were made by me/group members but incorporate images made by others, such as edited versions of other peoples' images?
  • Does it include videos that were not shot by me/group members?
  • Does it include graphs that were not made by me/group members?
  • Does it include logos or graphics of community partners?

If your paper or project contains copyrighted materials

If your paper or project contains copyrighted materials, you must obtain permissions from the copyright holder to use them. If you cannot receive permissions, you must remove all copyrighted materials from the version you deposit into cIRcle. You can also consult the UBC Copyright page for public domain or Creative Commons resources to use instead.

Help with Copyright

Copyright can be complicated. If you aren't certain if your paper or project contains copyrighted material or how to properly use your copyrighted material, you should ask your supervisor or contact the Copyright Office.