Learning Commons:Workplan
- Confirm hours for AMS Tutoring, Writing Centre Coaches Corner
- Review fall CLCA applications.
- Interview fall CLCA candidates.
- Update tutoring, writing centre and coaching pages
- Add hours for AMS Tutoring, Writing Centre and Coaches Corner to tutoring calendar
- Confirm with CSIC staff hours (or at least start month) for other tutoring partners, update tutoring calendar accordingly
- Collect photos and bios for CLCAs
- Position offers out to fall CLCA team.
- Update list of web team members on 'About Us' page, and on 'Contact Us' div
- Upload new photos and bios of CLC Assistants
- Web team training
- Finalize tutoring calendar
- Orient new student team to website (include link here)
- Check and update info on Computers/Printers/Scanners and Study Spaces maps: Maps Wiki
- Identify annual themes and portfolios
- Assign student reporter to Celebrate Learning Week
- Turn the carousel (back?) to 5 slots (if reduced for the summer)
- Goal setting for the year (with student team and web committee)
- Assign student reporter to Thrive Week
- Start work on Stress Less for Exam Success Page
- Budget forecasting for this fiscal and next
- Looking at data from surveys related to the toolkits
- Do an annual look at Google Analytics (Facebook, Twitter)
- Assign exam-time and holiday carousel updating responsibilities - include back-to-school posts
- Plan focus group for January
- Host focus groups
- Check and update info on Computers/Printers/Scanners and Study Spaces maps: Maps Wiki
- Summer CLCA applications open.
- Start work on TLEF Report
- Begin updating Orientation documentation on the wiki
- Review summer CLCA applications.
- Interview summer CLCA candidates.
- Complete orientation documentation on the wiki
- Collect photos and bios for CLCAs
- Position offers out to summer CLCA team
- Assign exam-time carousel updating responsibilities - include start-of-summer posts
- Bring together all students working on site (blog, social media, etc) to talk about what worked, what didn't on the site
- Update tutoring, writing centre and coaching pages
- Add hours for AMS Tutoring, Writing Centre and Coaches Corner to tutoring calendar
- Confirm with CSIC staff hours (or at least start month) for other tutoring partners, update tutoring calendar accordingly
- Collect photos and bios for CLCAs
- Determine how many carousel slots should be in place for the summer (3 or 5?)
- Applications open for fall CLCA positions.