Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Website Purpose/Student Toolkits
What This Section is
The focus of the Student Toolkits is to cultivate the best resources that will help students build strong academic skills. These pages were designed to cater to all learning styles. The toolkits are essentially an online representation of learning support resources that Peer Academic Coaches could help students with. In fact, we like to suggest to students that they use both resources in conjunction. From two summers worth of feedback, we know that clean and straightforward page design resonates with users. We have endeavoured to use engaging and fun graphics for buttons that will be permanent fixtures on the website. We have tried to limit our text links within the accordions and deemed it acceptable to have 3-5 text links at the bottom of the page within the Resources section.
Please do not change architecture which could result in changes to the page url, since our Toolkits are linked out to many different websites, blogs, etc.
Below are some comments and questions for future development. Toolkit revision occurs on an ongoing basis depending on which resources are outdated or could be UBC-based that are currently not.
- Apply section: Does it have the same value by just having the reflection questions? Can we give it a certain performance benchmark it has to reach before removing it from the site?
- What other toolkits could we add? Are there other important themes or topics that we don't yet cover?
- As new resources become available, consider replacing old content with more relevant material.
- Review the Toolkits section to determine whether there is a need for developing additional toolkits. Are there topics we haven't covered? Solicit feedback from students about what resources they would like to see. If new ideas emerge, build these toolkits.
- Re-make Visualize sections to be more printer friendly (i.e., not a huge colour background).