Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Web Team Transition

From UBC Wiki

Chapman Learning Commons/Web Team


Our mission statement

The Chapman Learning Commons Web Team’s mission is to primarily help connect students to offline and online educational resources while ensuring accessibility to staff, faculty and community users.

Our values

  • For the Students, by the Students
  • Quality over Quantity
  • To maintain the integrity of the student’s voice while achieving all goals

Our roles

Website Management

One of the primary roles of the Web Team will be to manage the website (learningcommons.ubc.ca). This includes editing posts, updating user permissions, and implementing new features. The assistants will primarily work closely with CTLT Educational Resource Developer (Rie) to apply any changes to the website and collect feedback from advisors as well.

Assessments: Wordpress Analytics provided annually by Educational Resources Developer on Confluence

Media Production

Most of the Chapman Learning Commons materials should follow our value of “For the Students, by the Students”. Our job is to track down any content/material that could be substituted by us and produce it. This includes any videos, podcasts, blogs, or infographics.


Social media is a conduit for the web team to communicate its projects to students, staff, faculty and community users non-accessible through the physical space. Assistants will primarily utilize Instagram (@ubclearn) and Twitter  (@UBClearn) to connect the social media world to the CLC. They will also work with Library Communications to create and implement content.

Assessments: Instagram Insight and Twitter Analytics


The web team has a high-frequency member change cycle due to the nature of a university role. Thus, all information needs to be documented at a professional and detailed level for the next team.


Bi-weekly Meetings

The bi-weekly meeting is where the entire team - assistants and the advisors - meet to converse, create or edit plans. Any crucial decisions should be discussed during this time.

Advisors in Bi-weekly Meetings

Advisor Role
Learning Services Librarian (Alex)
Learning Commons Coordinator (Emma)
Educational Consultant: Learning Technologies (Lucas)
Educational Resources Developer (Rie)

Bi-weekly Check-Ins

The check-ins are usually set for the Learning Services Librarian, Learning Commons Coordinator, and the assistants. It is allocated to pre-discuss topics before a team meeting or to follow-up on ongoing projects.

Advisors in Bi-weekly Check-Ins

Advisor Role
Learning Services Librarian
Learning Commons Coordinator


Team Google Drive + UBC Library Teamshare Drive

Any documents related to the Web Team will live on the official CLC Google Drive and the UBC Library Teamshare. This is to ensure quality of the documents and easy sharing between team members. Adhering to the UBC Privacy Matters Mantra, however, any personal information or sensitive data should not be stored on the Google Drive, and should instead be stored in the UBC Teamshare Drive, accessible with a valid CWL account at smb://teamshare.ead.ubc.ca.

For personal computer to connect into UBC Library Teamshare Drive on Mac: Finder> Press Command+K (shortcut) > Browse: smb://teamshare.ead.ubc.ca/Team/LBRY/IKBLC Program Services/Student Files/Chapman Learning Commons


Confluence is an online collaboration software that stores Chapman Learning Commons’s Meeting Notes, Analytics, Information to share with the team. The Web Team assistants will use Confluence in the Bi-Weekly Meetings to record notes.

Microsoft Teams and Confluence

Team communication is mainly through email, Microsoft Teams, and Confluence. For file sharing, or long term documentation use Confluence.


Every term Web Team needs to present in the first full-team meeting on their goals for the year. This includes a document with Essential goals, Why is the goal important, Objectives, Strategies, Tactics, and Metrics. There should be an assessment for each goal for view.

E.g. Web Team 2020


  1. Get patrons to use physical facilities in the Chapman Learning Commons
  2. To help students become aware of the LC web resources and tutorials in order to support their learning and academic success
  3. To help faculty and staff become aware of different learning commons web-resources

Why is the Goal important?

  1. To better serve patrons at the Learning Commons and deliver all resources we offer
  2. To reach as many students as possible in order to deliver the resources we have developed at the Learning Commons
  3. To reach as many faculty and staff members as possible in order to understand and create content that


  1. Increase the number of patrons referred to physical desk via Social Media
  2. Increase the number of students who access tutorials


  1. To maintain engagement on our social media platforms by posting consistently.
  2. Involving the desk team more by posting


  1. Potential Project Work for the desk team: Creating an Instagram story on their shift (Similar to TechTalkTuesdays on Instagram Story)
  2. Consistency in blog posts → emphasizing student voice and opinion by making fewer content edits


  1. Desk survey, word of mouth, boothing
  2. Google analytics showing referrals from social media channels
  3. Instagram, Survey/Focus Group