Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Sessions/Perception Check

From UBC Wiki

Your objective?

To identify your preferences and consider those in the broader context of mobile and web design principles and our current constraints in order to:

  • understand the role of bias and objectivity in site design
  • translate inspiration to approach

Responsive Websites

Take 20 minutes to explore some of the following sites (or other responsive sites that you know), and answer the following questions.


  • What inspires you?
  • What makes it easy for you as a site visitor?
  • What are you frustrated by?


Take 15 minutes to discuss and document here:

  • What approaches can we borrow for our LC site? (think: storytelling, design elements, use of color, use of images, etc.).
  • Refer to the .net mobile design principles linked below. Now re-consider your list based on these principles.

Our Perceptions:

  • Story-telling through information that we put out. (ex: when we're putting on an event, recreating the experience of what that event feels like in order to further tell the story. Also include: What can I do to be involved or how do I contribute?
  • 'The Middle Way' with graphic elements. Shouldn't be disorienting but responsive and clean-looking/operating. It should help do or show something
  • We like clean. Simple colour schemes, easy to read fonts, use typefaces well to portray information- no tabs or layers necessary
  • Easy to recognize logos or taglines
  • What am I here for? We like websites where we instantly recognize what the site is about. action words over abstract. If you can't summarize in a simple sentence, we get lost.


  • What are the constraints we have to work within? 10 minute brainstorm.
  • Apply the constraints to your list above - what remains?
  • Time- we all have other projects
  • CLF- Common Look and Feel
  • Sustainability- can someone else adapt it or change it? (easily replicated)
  • We aren't web designers. Where do our expertise begin and end? We have our own professional constraints
  • Mandate must be upheld. Academic support is paramount
  • Re-use - where does our stuff go and how does it get used?


Web Design

Responsive Design