Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Collaboration communication

From UBC Wiki

Reaching Out & Signing Up

In the interest of ensuring that everyone has equal access to collaboration opportunities, going forward:

  • First, put your name down in the Project Work Sign-Up Spreadsheet
  • Then, please email both web team members (CC-ing Alex and Emma) first, and wait for a response email from the web team before approaching them on slack
  • The web team will create a slack channel, or add you to an existing one, depending on the nature of the project you are requesting to be a part of
  • This slack channel will be our primary mode of communication moving forward, so please check it regularly if you sign up

Some projects may be more time-sensitive than others. Keeping your various time commitments (including things outside of the CLCA responsibilities, such as assignments) in mind, plan ahead! If you know you will be busy at a certain point, try to complete tasks ahead of time, or communicate your limitations to the web team. We've been there, and as long as we know what's going on, we can work something out! (See more below in our section on Timelines.)

Sending for Feedback

  • Review the Check List to make sure you've completed all of the necessary steps.

Who to contact?

Depending on your project type, you will send your polished draft(s) to either the whole web and staff team, or just the web team.

  • CC Emma and Alex when you send your polished draft to the web team if you've created:
    • a workshop (content and/or graphic)
    • a video (content)
    • a blog post (content and/or graphic)
    • some other live-event (content and/or graphic)
    • or a project that required a formal proposal document to Emma and Alex
  • Email or Slack the Web Team if you've created
    • an Instagram Story (such as Bingo Projects)
    • a stand-alone Instagram/Twitter Graphic (such as those promoting original content, not content from the learning commons website)
    • a Spotify Playlist (content and/or graphic)
    • or other non-academic resource

If you're not sure which of the two categories your project falls into, you can contact the web team about it, or CC Emma and Alex just in case.