Learning Commons:Student Orientation/Archive/Learning & Memory Redesign

From UBC Wiki


  • establish a learner centered mindset for navigation to this content.
  • re-frame the content with a "learning challenges lens"
  • help learners understand why problem may be happening and then what strategies and resources they might use to address their challenge(s).
  • re-assemble and re-work learning and memory/learning myths content to be integrated with challenges.


Design process activities.

Brain Dump

  • after reviewing existing content, our notes/ thoughts about things we wanted to keep in mind for the redesign
Design session brainstorm
Design session brainstorm

POV Madlib

  • we developed 4 student POVs (points of view) to help us build empathy.
Considering learners' points of view
  • high achiever who got a low grade and needs a way to get back on track.
  • first time away from home student - enjoying freedom and social life - failed a course and contemplating dropping out - needs a perspective on failure and someone to talk to.
  • arrogant student - gets by but strategies not effective anymore - needs to re-think value placed on learning.
  • overwhelmed student - suffers from lack of planning - needs to learn how to plan, prioritize and manage time more effectively.

Empathy Map

  • from the POVs we just created, we mapped what we would expect students to be doing, saying, thinking and feeling. Tapping into motivation.
Mapping from profiles

Top 5 Challenges

  • from the POVs and empathy map, we distilled the top 5 challenges faced by learners. Need to ground truth these at a later date but will work with them for now.
list of 5 top challenges for learners (to be vetted)
  1. I got a low grade.
  2. I failed a course.
  3. I can't keep up.
  4. I'm studying hard and it's not working.
  5. I forget the important stuff.


  • Template for resource design: [Learning_Commons:Content/Learning_Challenges/Grades]
  • Allocate: Cindy 1 & 2; Morgan 3, 4 &5
  • Review in early August
  • Cindy to prepare page on the new LC site.

Design Decisions

  • accordian based wiki design
  • embed myths to help provide context for problem.
  • use video as the main strategy for "strategies" - choosing the Stephen Chew series: Learners who come to the site with the challenges we've identified may be more suited to "teacher" type explanatory video content (they are looking for guidance): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL85708E6EA236E3DB
  • links to relevant toolkits (which we think will be complementary)
  • links to wellness - as well as academic resources (given the liklihood of stress and other health concerns related to some of the challenges presented.

Further Work

  • need to ensure that students can navigate directly and easily from the homepage - should this content be linked to need help (as a curated pathway with an urgent undertone?)

Current Iteration