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Please sign up for one of the following two articles. We will be using them in class in Week 5. Please read the article prior to coming to class as we will be doing a jigsaw activity with them during class time. Please only read the article you sign up for (not both)!

Sign up - delete the text and add your name
Article 1: The Practice and Promise of Critical Information Literacy (CIL) Type your name here
Elizabeth Robertson There should be 11 students signed up for each article
Jordan Kerr
Gabriella Cigarroa
Sam Elkind
Article 2: Threshold Concepts and Information Literacy Type your name here There should be 11 students signed up for each article
Celia Hagey
Xiyuan Wu
Jaclyn Fong
Lisabelle Tan
Keren Zhu
Kat Hodgson
Elina Keinaenen
Anita Martin
Keith Jowett
Minghui Zhou