GRSJ224/Evolution of Cosmetics

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Cosmetics, or simply known by many as makeup, are mainly used to hide or change certain aspects of appearance. From lipsticks to eyeliner most of these are used by many people in the world every day. Mostly geared toward women, cosmetics have become a must before the starting of the day. In the 21st century, there are lots of cosmetics, which range from 5 up to 200 dollars. A compound in each cosmetic is, however, different but they might have used a similar compound such as coconut oil in the mix of the chemical. In the 21st-century, cosmetics have expanded its territory to many fields such as shampoo and even perfume. The evolution of cosmetic not only improves, but have been evolving from one field to another.



Ancient Egyptians

Cosmetics was first used by ancient Egyptians. They are considered very advanced. They were able to hide pores, smooth out complexion, and create eyeshadow effects. Many of these products have come from many sources.(Sarah 2006) For example, ashes were used back then to darken under the eyes, berries to paint their lips, and young boys’ urine to erase their freckles. In some extreme cases, they even believed that oxblood would help them improve their appearance. Not only women but men in that same period have used cosmetics as well. It is proven that in the hot and dry climate of the geology of sandy wind. Both men have women have used substance which is held in jars to prevent sun and wind damage while keeping the skin soft.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) At this stage in the history, we see that makeup no only serves as general appearance modification, but also for rituals and ceremonies. The ancient Egyptians believe that they are able to scare off evil spirits just by wearing the makeup. The makeup is also believed to have prevented eye diseases. Not only that but there are some information on lipsticks formulations.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) There is a combination which is famously known as the “kiss of death”. The kiss of death is a purple-red color substance which is used then as lipstick.(Gardner 2014) However, the substance is based on iodine and bromine which is toxic to human, hence the name. By some unconfirmed sources, Cleopatra’s lipsticks were made of carmine beetles and ant’s eggs. After some processing carmine beetles give off a strong red color while ant eggs provide the base ingredient. Nails were also colored by henna shrub since the nail has long been an indication of social status.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”)

254-184 B.C.E

In the middle of the 1st century A.C.E the roman have used cosmetics widely. They have to use Kohl to darken the eyelashes and eyelids. Chalk was used as a base to of cosmetic on the face to whiten up the skin, rouge was also worn on their cheek.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) In this period of time, the tone white or pale was extremely crucial, and nail color established the class system. Similarly, pale skin in this period of time has been considered a sign of wealth. This is the first time that teeth whitening was mention as they have been using pumice. They also start to color their hairs by henna dyes. In some countries, white chalk and lead are still being used on their face today.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”)

The Renaissance

By this time people have found out that lead and mercury was damaging to the human face so they have changed the sub-ingredient to arsenic. Even though it is apparent that lead and mercury causes hair loss and other serious issues, most women in that period and time still used the whitening.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”)

Makeup in the Renaissance

The 17th Century

In this period, more makeup is used. Since illness increased, more makeup is used in order to cover them up. However, as time passes, makeup was then reduced in usage since they were frown upon, and innovation dramatically decreased during that period of time. Women who have worn lipsticks and makeup at this period of time were considered to be witches that would lure men sexually.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”)

The 1800s

By this time the only people in the society who have worn makeup were prostitutes. However, the king at that period of time has worn makeup. Makeup at that period of time was considered sinful so it is avoided. However, a small amount of makeup, like a slight pink cheek, was accepted as a social norm.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”)

The 1900s

In the 1900s makeup is commercialized in America and Europe. Due to the developed of Hollywood and the movie industry, makeup has become essential and portrayed a larger impact on women.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) The commercialize industry has pushed the product of lipsticks into becoming more portable, which calls for a redesign of the product. Many large brands in the industry have joined in to create more types of makeup. With a different base of arsenic and lead, they have moved into oil and artificial color.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) Not only that the based have changed but they were able to add smell to each of the scents.

Some of the biggest change in this century was makeup becoming a social norm. Also, for the first time since the introduction of makeup, they were created using a non-toxic substance that could be safely applied on to the face. In this era the innovation of each cosmetics have grown radically. Since there was a larger consumer base, more funds were given into the research and development of makeup.


More color can now be synthetically created. Hence, more color can be used. Not only that but more creation like SPF and other vitamin have been incorporated into each product. More resources such as sunblock, an anti-aging agent, and moisturizer are more popular and are now used by both men and women alike. It also has become a social norm for women to have some makeup on. Unlike the 1900s they are no longer judged by the makeup worn. This is also becoming true for men, but it isn’t as widely accepted among men as it is for women.(Victoria “The History of Makeup”) (Wikipedia “Cosmetics”)

Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery, or known as plastic surgery, was introduced in the 21st century. This has become popular with a lot of movie stars where a lot of alteration and injection are no more permanent. Since cosmetic can only change the look of an object but cannot hide any large complexion, cosmetic surgery was originally introduced to correct certain areas of the face, such as a scar from a car accident. However, it also contributes vastly to the application in the beauty industry. Cosmetic surgery being used to alter the appearance aesthetically has also become more and more widely accepted in the world and we see many people being able to increase or decrease the certain area of the body as well.(Donohoe "Medscape") (Wikipedia “Plastic Surgery”)


Gardner, Stephanie S., MD. "History of Makeup." WebMD. WebMD, 28 July 2014. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

Rose, Victoria. "The History of Makeup." Makeup For Women over 50 Still Fabulous., n.d. Web. 01 Dec. 2016.

Schaffer, Sarah. "Reading Our Lips: The History of Lipstick Regulation in Western Seats of Power." N.p., 2006. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Cosmetics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

"Plastic Surgery." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2016.

Donohoe, Martin, MD. "Women’s Health in Context: Cosmetic Surgery Past, Present, and Future: Scope, Ethics, and Policy." Medscape Log In. Medscape, n.d. Web. 4 Dec. 2016.