Elearning:Getting started with WebCT for instructors
These steps present resources and contacts for navigating the term with WebCT. Your Faculty Support Unit (FSU) is available throughout the cycle to offer help and training. You can request information on WebCT workshops and training from your Faculty Support Unit using the Get Help and Training webform.
Getting Access (Please go to Vista site as CE 4 is being Phased Out)
The first step in preparing for the term for first time WebCT users is to get a Campus Wide Login ID. Visit the CWL website to create a CWL account. Along with your email address, your CWL ID will be the primary identifier you use in making contact with support resources on campus.
If you encounter problems logging in to your courses, use the Instructor Access Help webform to contact ITServices.
Introducing the course to your students
When class begins, it is important to give your students a clear introduction to the online course. Technical skills will vary among your students, so the information you provide should cover all the bases while being concise and not overwhelming. Your hand-out should include:
- course URL
- overview and expectations (include how the online portion of the course is weighted against the in-class portion if the course has both components)
- help Resources (include contact for ITServices and the e-Learning website: http://www.elearning.ubc.ca/login)
Responding to student problems
Throughout the first month of the course, as students become acquainted with the course they may encounter problems such as forgotten logins or pages of content that won't display. For login problems, students should contact ITServices in person, by phone, or using the Contact ITServices webform.
If a single student needs to be added to the course, use the Add a User webform.
If a problem is related to your course content, students should address their questions to you as designer and not ITServices. If you encounter a problem of this type that you can't resolve, contact your Faculty Support Unit using the Get Help and Training webform.
Updating content and moderating email and discussions
Periodic updates to content are important for keeping your students engaged. The Faculty Support Units are available for support as well as design ideas throughout this process.
As the term continues, you will need to budget time for responding to the discussions and email of your students. Online courses can provide a very effective environment for interaction among students and instructors and the Elearning:WebCT guides for instructors page provides some resources which can help you take advantage of this new format. These resources include the TAG WebCT workshop on Increasing Community in you course, and a Elearning:discussion rubric.
For further reference, the Elearning:online teaching resources page offers articles about teaching and learning in the new paradigm of online education. This section has advice on using the tools offered by the web to their fullest in your course in order to add value to your students' experience.
Backing up your course
At the end of the term, you will need to save all your course information and reset the course to close student access. Backing up the course is a step that may be done by the designer or his or her Faculty Support Unit. Contact your Support Unit to find out the process for your department.
For information on backing up and resetting your course, see the WebCT Online Help sections: