Documentation talk:WordPress Basics/Basics 2 Guide

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Overall Themes121:11, 16 January 2011
what about widgets?022:22, 4 January 2011
testing122:21, 4 January 2011

Overall Themes

I was wondering if it would be worthwhile dividing the content up according to theme--I have added them in..see what you think. The first theme would be customizing the look and feel of your site and would include: Widgets, plugins, embedding--and maybe custom menus? (I dont mind writing up this part. The second them could be user and data management and include: Moderating comments, User roles, Import Export and Google Analytics. Buddy press could be a category of its own.

The themes might give the session a little more purpose and focus.

I was also wondering about whether categories and tags are necessary. I know I was the one to suggest it but I actually dont see that their is much to go over in this regard. A couple areas we could add instead might be a) custom menus b) Theme options--changing background colour in twenty10 in in Coraline actually changing theme layout--number of columns

LucasWright20:55, 16 January 2011

I actually added an activity on sub-categories--I think this is worth covering

LucasWright21:11, 16 January 2011

what about widgets?

Should we add them to the workshop? (FYI testing something right now)

Riacale22:22, 4 January 2011


Emilyr22:20, 4 January 2011


Riacale22:21, 4 January 2011