Documentation:Turnitin Basics/What Is Turnitin

From UBC Wiki

Important Announcements:

  • Replacing all identifying information of UBC students: Information for Faculty Members
  • Due to Turnitin storing personal information in the United States, a Blackboard plugin-in that complies with the BC Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act will be tested soon. Please refer to this page in the near future for further information.

What Is Turnitin

UBC subscribes to the Turnitin Suite that includes a set of tools to improve the student writing cycle by preventing plagiarism and providing rich feedback to students.

The tools are:

  • Originality checking
  • Online grading
  • Peer review

Instructor and Student Accounts Setup Workflow

  1. An instructor contacts UBC Turnitin Administrator to acquire account setup information (i.e. account ID and join password)
  2. The instructor sets up an instructor Turnitin account on Please see information for instructors for setup instructions.
  3. The instructor then creates a class on Turnitin. When creating class, the instructor will be prompted for a class enrolment password.
  4. The instructor makes note of the class ID and enrolment password and distributes both to students.
  5. Students setup a student Turnitin account on Please see Student Account Setup below for setup instructions and information on how to protect students' privacy.
  6. Student enrols into the instructor's class with the class ID and enrolment password provided by the instructor from step 4.