Documentation:Turnitin Basics/Get Started

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Get Started

Our licensing with Turnitin enables use by faculty, staff and students of The University of British Columbia and approved affiliated Colleges.

Instructor Account Setup

Guidelines for using Turnitin can be found on the LT Hub Website.

Faculty and/or Teaching Assistants need an account ID and a join password to "Join" the standalone Turnitin account created for your Faculty or School. The account ID and join password have to be requested by faculty members. Requests made by Teaching Assistants, Tech Rovers or students will not be accepted.

To obtain the required code and password for access to the Turnitin,

  • UBC Vancouver: please contact the Turnitin Administrator by e-mail at
  • UBC Okanagan: please contact the Centre for Teaching and Learning by phone at at 250-807-9293.


  1. Using the account ID and the join password, create your user account on the Turnitin New User Setup page.
  2. Once you setup your user account, you will need to first create a class (i.e. a course) before creating an assignment dropbox. (Note: If you plan to allow TA to access your course, you will need to create a "Master Class" instead. You can find details on how to do so here.)
  3. On the class creation page, enter a class name and an enrolment password. The enrolment password is the password your students will use to enroll in your class. Pick a password that is easy for your students to remember and that contains all lowercase letters.
  4. Once you create a class, you can create an assignment dropbox in your class by clicking on "New Assignment" and follow the on-screen instructions.

For more details, please visit Turnitin's Quickstart Guide.

Student Account Setup

To submit your paper on, you will need to create a unique "user profile", consisting of a username (e-mail address) and password.

Please note: Information submitted to Turnitin is stored in the United States. In order to protect your privacy, please follow these instructions:

  • Create an anonymous email address using one of the available free services.
  • Go to Select Create Account on the top right.
  • Under Create Account select Student.
  • Enter the Class ID and Enrolment Password given to you by your instructor.
  • Create an alias or pseudonym. Please remember to let your instructor know your alias.

Now you will be able to submit assignments for your course to the service.

Please ensure that there is no identifying information (this includes your name and student number) included in the text of any assignment that your submit to Turnitin.

You can submit a paper in two ways:

  • by file upload (used to submit a paper as a computer file; Turnitin currently accepts submissions in Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, RTF, PDF, PostScript, plain text, and HTML formats)
    • Please remember to delete any identifying information from the original document prior to uploading it. This includes your name and student number in the document, as well as any metadata or hidden data that might be stored in the document itself. To remove the metadata from Microsoft Word:
      • In Microsoft Word (Windows), you can remove the hidden data by using Microsoft Word's Document Inspector
      • In Microsoft Word (Mac), you can remove the hidden data by clicking on Word > Preferences > Security, then selecting Remove personal information from this file on save
  • by cut and paste (used to submit a paper by cutting and pasting the text into a text box)