Documentation:Sutherland Resources

From UBC Wiki
Sutherland Resources
for the nursing and allied health professions
About the Wiki
Welcome to the wiki for the Peggy Sutherland Site for resources in the nursing and allied health professions. The Sutherland Site aims to support students, researchers and practitioners in the nursing and allied health professions. If you know of any resources that can be added to the following topics, please feel free to edit and add your information to the appropriate pages.
Associated Pages

The following pages are related to the Peggy Sutherland Site for resources in the nursing and allied health professions. If you know of any resources that can be added to the following topics, please feel free to edit and add your information to the appropriate pages:


The Peggy Sutherland Site aims to support students, researchers and practitioners in the nursing and allied health professions. Anyone considering a nursing or allied health career or researching health topics will find extensive information and links to websites here.

About the Sutherland Foundation

The Sutherland Foundation generously supports enhanced library resources for students, faculty members, staff and all university and community users of the UBC Library system. The important resources made possible through the Foundation's support would not otherwise be available, and provide significantly enriched learning opportunities.

The Sutherland Foundation has a particular interest in health-related education, research and care. In 1998, the Foundation donated $1 million to establish the Rodger Stanton Memorial Library Endowment. The endowment supports acquisitions for UBC's Life Sciences Libraries. In 2001, the library endowment begun at St. Paul's Hospital in 1978 was transferred to the UBC Library and increased to $0.5 million to enhance support for print resources in the Life Sciences Libraries.

In 2000, the Foundation gave another $1 million gift to establish the Peggy Sutherland Memorial Library Endowment, also within the Life Sciences Libraries. The endowment provides enriched support for on-line resources in the areas of nursing, allied health, breast cancer and women's health. The focus on on-line resources provides 24-hour access for many users, including nurses, nursing students and others who may work varying hours and/or live outside the Vancouver area.

The University is grateful to the Sutherland Foundation for this very generous support to benefit all Library users from campus and the community.