Documentation:Soil TopARgraphy

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Soil TopARgraphy Logo.png

Soil TopARgraphy

The Project

Using the power of augmented reality, “Soil TopARgraphy” showcases the relative heights and environments of soil orders beyond numbers and descriptions. Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital enhancements on top of existing reality through your phone. With the app, students in UBC’s APBI 200 class learn about soil orders in Kamloop, B.C by viewing and manipulating a terrain model. They can view the model with a photorealistic satellite image or a color-coded heightmap. Students can tap on flags to read about different soils, see images, watch a video, and take a quiz to reflect upon their understanding. This gamifies and adds interactivity to the classroom to promote student engagement and deeper comprehension of materials.


First Time Set-up Guide

Development Team


  • Maja Krzic - Associate Professor, Faculty of Land and Food Systems


  • Daphne Liu - Team Lead, Unity Developer
  • Tiger Oakes - Unity Developer
  • Emma Ng - UX/UI Designer


Some rights reserved
Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document according to the terms in Creative Commons License, Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. The full text of this license may be found here: CC by-sa 4.0