Documentation:Research Commons/FIRE Talks/2013-2014/Tools of the Trade

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FIREtalk Information

Tools of the Trade

Our trade is producing knowledge and implementing it. What are some of the tools that are being used? Choosing the appropriate tool or method for your research is one of the most critical components for advancing academic inquiry. What approaches to research are in the academic's toolbox? Join us for our April FIREtalk and share with an interdisciplinary audience how a tool or method is used in your field:

  • interdisciplinary perspectives
  • mixed methods designs
  • meta-analysis strategies
  • cutting edge technology
  • classic techniques proven by time

When: Wednesday, April 23, 4-6 pm

Where: Koerner Library, Room 216

Who Should Attend

Graduate students from any UBC department!

Presentations and Activities

  • The Pencil and the Envelope - Barak Caracheo
  • Built Environments as Moderators of Human Behavior - Madalina Wierzbicki
  • Cultural Techniques – Making the In-Between Productive - Melanie Kage
  • Database of Religious History - Michael Muthukrishna
  • Optogenetics and Optical Imaging Tools: Stimulating Neurons with Light - Eitan Anenberg
  • Visual Analytics for the Creative Economy - Angele Beausoleil
  • Throw Away Your Stress - Jacqueline Davis

FIREtalk Resources

Contributed by Angèle Beausoliel:

Contributed by Jacqueline Davis:

Nakahara, T., Nakahara, K., Uehara, M., Koyama, K. I., Li, K., Harada, T., ... & Inui, A. (2007). Effect of juggling therapy on anxiety disorders in female patients. BioPsychoSocial Medicine, 1(1), 10.

Contributed by Melanie Kage:

Maye, Harun. "Kulturtechnik.“ Christina Bartz, Ludwig Jäger, Erika Linz and Marcus Krause (eds.). Handbuch der Mediologie: Signaturen des Medialen. München: Fink , 2011. 142-148. Print.

---, ---. “Was ist eine Kulturtechnik?” Lorenz Engell and Bernhard Siegert (eds.). Zeitschrift für Medien- und Kulturforschung: Kulturtechnik 1/2010. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. 121-135. Print.

Siegert, Bernhard. "Cultural Techniques: Or the End of the Intellectual Postwar Era in German Media Theory.” Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka (eds.). Theory, Culture and Society: Explorations in Critical Social Sciences. Vol. 30. 5/2013. Forthcoming.

---, ---. "Kulturtechnik.“ Harun Maye and Leander Scholz (eds.). Einführung in die Kulturwissenschaft. München: Wilhelm Fink, 2011. 95-118. Print.

---, ---. "Türen: Zur Materialität des Symbolischen.“ Lorenz Engell and Bernhard Siegert (eds.). Zeitschrift für Medien-und Kulturforschung: Kulturtechnik 1/2010. Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag. 151-170. Print.

Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. “The Kultur of Cultural Techniques: Conceptual Inertia, Ontic Operations and the Materialities of Deconstruction.” Cultural Politics. Forthcoming.

---, ---. “What Are Cultural Techniques? Preliminary Observations.“ Geoffrey Winthrop-Young, Ilinca Iurascu and Jussi Parikka (eds.). Theory, Culture and Society: Explorations in Critical Social Sciences. Vol. 30. 5/2013. Forthcoming.

Contributed by Michael Muthukrishna:

Contributed by Madalina Wierzbicki:

Bryant Simon, B. (2009). Consuming Third Place: Starbucks and the Illusion of Public Space. In M. Orvell and J.L. Meikle (Eds.), Public Space and the Ideology of Place in American Culture. Amsterdam: Rodopi.

Smail, D.S. (2008). On Deep History and the Brain. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.

Thomas, J. (2004). Archaeology and Modernity. New York, NY: Routledge.

Dobres, M-A., and Hoffman, C.R. (1994). Social Agency and the Dynamics of Prehistoric Technology. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory, (L)3, 211-258.

Kroes, P., Light, A., Moore, S.A., and Vermaas, P.E. (2008). Design in Engineering and Architecture: Towards an Integrated Philosophical Understanding.

In P.E. Vermaas, P. Kroes, A. Light, and S.A. Moore (Eds.), Philosophy and Design: From Engineering to Architecture (pp. 1-17). New York, NY: Springer.

Spencer, C. (2007). Environmental Psychology Is Eminently Applicable, But Is It Being Applied? In E. Edgerton, O. Romice, and C. Spencer (Eds.), Environmental Psychology: Putting Research into Practice. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Watkins, T. (2004). Building houses, framing concepts, constructing worlds, Paléorient, 30(1), 5-23.