Documentation:RelLex/The Navaho Language: The Elements of Navaho Grammar with a Dictionary in Two Parts Containing Basic Vocabularies of Navaho and English

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The Navaho Language: The Elements of Navaho Grammar with a Dictionary in Two Parts Containing Basic Vocabularies of Navaho and English

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Language Name


Alternate Language Names

Navaho, Diné bizaad, Naabeehó bizaad.


Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah, United States.


Robert W. Young (Linguist); William Morgan (Language Consultant).

Others Involved

Edward Sapir, Harry Hoijer, and Father Haile Berard (Authors of previously published materials).

We are unable to access the most recent edition of this dictionary to determine who else may have been involved in creating the more recent versions of this dictionary.

Publishing Information

The first edition was published in 1943 by the Education Division of United States Indian Service, Phoenix, Arizona.

It was then republished in 2019 under the title The Navajo Language by Native Child Dinétah, Flagstaff, Arizona

There have been many republications and editions of this resource between the first publication in 1943 and the most recent edition in 2019.

How People are Cited

People are cited in the Prologue.

We are unable to access the most recent edition of this dictionary to determine where people are cited in the more recent versions of this dictionary.

How Information is Cited

Authors of previous publications are cited in the Prologue.

We are unable to access the most recent edition of this dictionary to determine where information is cited in the more recent versions of this dictionary.

Where is Information Coming from

Information in this dictionary comes from previously published materials. However, these works are not cited by name within the dictionary.

Later editions of this dictionary were supplemented with information from Young and Morgan's A Vocabulary of Colloquial Navaho (first published in 1951).

We are unable to access the most recent edition of this dictionary to determine where information is coming from in the more recent versions of this dictionary.

Tools and Framework used

This dictionary is available as a physical book.


The older print editions of this dictionary are available through libraries. The most recent edition of this dictionary under the title The Navajo Language (2019) is available for purchase through the publisher, Native Child Dinétah, for $29.90 USD.

Included Languages and Directionality

Navajo to English; English to Navajo.

Dialects Included

No dialect is specified for this dictionary.

Type of Dictionary

This is a bilingual, bidirectional dictionary.

How are Entries Organised

Entries are organized alphabetically by Navajo in Part I: Navaho–English (Dine Bizaad–Bilagaanaa Bizaad). Verb entries in this section of the dictionary include the stem headword (in first-person singular form) with derivational forms following below. Derivational forms are only written in Navajo, and the different verb forms are identified through abbreviations. Other types of entries in this section include the Navajo headword and the English translation. No other information is included in these entries. Entries are organized alphabetically by English in Part II: English–Navaho (Bilagaanaa Bizaad–Dine Bizaad). Verb entries in this section of the dictionary include the stem entry (in infinitive form) with derivational forms following below, along with example sentences in both Navajo and English. Other types of entries in this section include the English headword and the Navajo translation. Both sections of the dictionary include an introduction; Part I's in English and Part II's written in Navajo.

The dictionary is preceded by a grammar, which includes information about the Navajo sound system, grammatical gender, parts of speech (i.e., numbers, pronouns, nouns, verbs, etc.), and syntax. There are also two Navajo texts. The texts are written in two columns, with Navajo on the left and a literal English translation on the right, followed by an English free translation below.

We are unable to access the most recent edition of this dictionary to determine how entry organization differs in more recent versions of this dictionary.

Other Features

Feature Included More Information
Guide to use and understand Each section of the dictionary contains an Introduction in the 1943 publication
Images Based on the 1943 edition
Example phrases Only in Part II verb entries of the 1943 edition
Speakers marked Based on the 1943 edition
Dialects marked There is only one dialect included

Other Notes

This dictionary has been used to supplement information in at least one other dictionary by Young and Morgan: The Navajo Language: A Grammar and Colloquial Dictionary (first published in 1980).

Later editions of this dictionary, including the most recent 2019 version, have been supplemented by Young and Morgan's A Vocabulary of Colloquial Navaho (originally published in 1951 and since republished in 2014), which also was used in creating Young and Morgan's The Navajo Language: A Grammar and Colloquial Dictionary (first published in 1980).

External Links

Reference on WorldCat (1943 publication):

Reference on WorldCat (2019 republication):

The 2019 republished version (titled The Navajo Language) available for purchase ($29.90 USD) from Native Child Dinétah: