Documentation:Orientation for New Researchers/links vpri

From UBC Wiki

Online Resources

The following links describe services and information of use to researchers and the UBC community at large.

Administration and Governing Bodies

Provides organizational charts and websites for University bodies, student & alumni bodies, unions and associations, and committees.

Campus Services

UBC offers a comprehensive set of campus services, from Athletics and Child Care to Waste Management.

Edudata Canada

Edudata Canada is a research centre in the Faculty of Education that acts as custodian to large education, health, and economics data sets. It supports educational research, teaching, and policy development by acting as an information broker, and offers a comprehensive meta-analysis catalogue.

Faculties, Schools and Departments

Teaching and research at UBC are conducted in 12 faculties and 11 schools, each offering a broad range of programs of study.

Health, Safety & Environment

HSE has created an Orientation for UBC Faculty and Staff to familiarize UBC faculty with their responsibilities in ensuring a safe working environment. Included are the mandatory legal and policy elements for which faculty are personally responsible.


UBC Information Technology (UBC IT) provides UBC faculty a variety of services to support research. For information specific to the UBC Okanagan campus, visit

Institutes & Centres

UBC is affiliated with a number of research institutes, centres, organizations, and hospitals, many of which are located on the university's main Point Grey campus.


e-Strategy is a guiding framework to align UBC's technology initiatives with the university's strategic goals. Activities include project development, information and resource sharing, and setting long terms goals for technology at UBC.

Supply Management

UBC Supply Management provides purchasing tools and support including Procurement Card technology and supply contracts that can dramatically reduce procurement costs. Supply Management can help address the following questions:

  • What can Supply Management do for me?
  • How do I import/export to/from UBC?
  • How do I dispose of Surplus Equipment?
  • How can UBC help me when I travel?
  • I’m relocating, what do I do?
  • How do I make a sole source purchase?
  • How do I contact Supply Management?

Building Operations

UBC Building Operations provides comprehensive facilities stewardship, maintenance, operations and renovation services for land and buildings owned and operated by the University.