Documentation:Open Case Studies/Political Science/National2
Climate Change Action Plan
National Group 2
We believe the most efficient way to tackle climate change is in the hands of the national government. By implementing mandatory education on the effects of climate change in the education system as well as policies to restrict green house gas emissions into the atmosphere, governments are in the position to legislate laws that would potentially result in a great reduction of carbon emissions. If multiple nations, especially those of developed countries, the overall emissions will be greatly reduced on a global scale.
national government has ability to: - control provincial and municipal funding - provide funding for R&D in corporations - compile research on trends in various industries - influence national education policies through new and changed legislation - set carbon tax, carbon trading policy, and carbon quota policy; influence through funding - allow for renewable energy projects - set penalties and fines for industry agents who violate regulations - impose trade tariffs and taxes on the sale of energy - provide funding for all levels of education - specifically grants to incentivize admission to post-secondary programs in clean-tech/renewable energy - paid training for existing industry employees
Action Plan
At a national level, the federal government has the ability to control provincial funding. It can influence carbon tax and trading policy, influence education and research and development policy and funding and incentivizing admission to education programs in clean-tech and renewable energy, green-light renewable energy projects and stop environmentally harmful practices through penalties, and impose trade tariffs and taxes on the sale of energy domestically and internationally.
(Erase this text: In this section, consider how your action plan can be framed to address the concerns of political, economic, and social groups. Your answers in these sections should consider the guiding questions on the student handout page. Why could you anticipate your plan as having a chance of success in gaining appropriate support? What will be its impacts? Consider both negative and positive impacts.)
On the economic level, the government is in the position to implement carbon quotas, carbon trading policies and carbon taxes within the industry in its nation. By reducing and limiting carbon emissions, this can lead to drastic reductions of green house gases released into the atmosphere. The government is of the highest level within the nation and it is their responsibility to regulate GHG emissions.
The national government is also responsible for national funding programs. However, there is not a lot of awareness about the existence of these funds or the programs are hard to get in to. The national government can be considered responsible for the protection of the nation's most vulnerable, especially the Indigenous Peoples, who are disproportionately impacted by environmental issues, should be protected. By increasing awareness or provide education about what kinds of grants are available and how to apply for it, those who are in the most vulnerable position are able to be protected by their government.
On a social level, there needs to be education of the effects of climate change and industry exploitation on a global scale. If governments implement requirements to educate children since an elementary level, this will lead an increased awareness and promote smart decisions in regards to the environment in the future. Not only in schools, but on a larger level, events like the Olympics where there are large audiences, governments can impose acts or advertisements to increase awareness of climate change. The Rio Olympics of 2016 did just that and that is an effective and simple act that exposes people of all ages to the drastic measures needed to be done to tackle climate change.
The Government is responsible for informing large corporations that are the main emitters of green house gases that there are newer technologies that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly that should be adopted instead of cheaper alternatives. Possibly even subsidising the difference in cost between these older and cheaper technologies for the new ones would ensure less emissions with the same efficiency within these large corporations.
Remaining Challenges
(Erase this text: What are some remaining challenges to your action plan? What does it fail to address? How can you mitigate shortcomings?)