Documentation:EHealth Strategy Office/Staff Documentation/Website Guidelines
General Guidelines
All projects and events should have a presence on the eHealth Strategy website. When you contribute your reflections to the website, the eHealth Strategy Office exercises leadership, engages in knowledge translation, and becomes a more experienced counselor for our clients. eHealth office needs to communicate through words and action our expertise in technology. By demonstrating the office’s activity on the Web, we will be more effective in establishing a reputation for leadership in eHealth.
Blogging and web presence Knowledge Translation effort, not only for office identity but personally for your career The following guidelines are intended to help guide your contributions to the website. This not an attempt to overwhelm you. Rather, the intent is just the opposite -- to encourage you to embrace the social media world by providing you some guidelines. so that we provide a consistent yet diverse voice in
Approval Process
If you have an idea about what to write, and you want to be clear about what is appropriate, see the project manager or research coordinator. If they are unsure, the appropriate director will be consulted. In the case of external partners, permission to post documents produced with shared responsibility (i.e. not solely our office staff) should be sought. If the information is sensitive.
Everyone will blog under their own name, which is great because you'll be able to see a corpus of work develop.
Any author that produces content for the eHealth Strategy Office blog will retain copyright over their work; however, the copyright holder must grant the eHealth Strategy a non-exclusive distribution license so that project-related material may remain on the EHSO website in perpetuity. In the event that a staff member leaves the office, any content relating to project activity must remain active on the site.
Keep in mind that you represent EHSO at all times. Employees are personally responsible for what we write on blogs or any online medium. Irresponsible blogging can risk legal action or require unnecessary damage control. However, thoughtful commentary and reflection about your work makes you and the office shine.
Before you publish a post, ask yourself: would I be OK having a client see what I write? And, how would I feel if this post were about me? Having an opinion is encouraged; but being closed-minded or purposely inflammatory is not appropriate.
Set aside time to contribute and to reflect on the work that you do. Strive for balance. We have demands of our clients to meet, too.
Contribution Expectations
All Staff
In addition to the responsibilities below, every staff member is responsible for their individual profile, including any publications.
Branding Working Group
Guide the strategy and guide the development of the site at a broad level. Delegate technical tasks for updating web pages and templates. Report on activities as appropriate. In addition to the roles and responsibilities listed below, we expect BWG members to actively support the website by consistently meeting or exceeding expectations at their job level, and through activism and promotion among other staff.
Director level
Agree to keep relevant staff informed about their activities (i.e. conferences, presentations, etc.) that are appropriate for promotion on the website. Sharing of pre-print publications with BWG for archiving. Minimum quarterly "expert" contribution to website. Encourage discussion and contribution from Research Coordinators during update meetings, including decision about when to include projects on the website. Include website contribution in Planning and Performance Review as a performance criterion.
Communications Coordinator (Multimedia)
Chair of BWG unless otherwise agreed upon. Weekly site review to ensure technical and editorial quality control. Supervise or contribute website content to relevant social media outlets. Liaison with MedIT and Public Affairs/FOM other relevant UBC official regarding website and communications. Responsible for image sourcing and editing/creation of graphics for website either personally or via delegation. Endeavour to retain contact with MedIT designers to iteratively develop website with new and exploratory functionality. Make recommendations to BWG about potential site improvements and content strategies.
Event Coordinator
Upon confirmation of date and time of any office event, create or delegate creation of EHSO website announcement. Also create UBC Events Calendar event linking to that announcement. If these tasks are reversed in order, amend UBC Calendar events as soon as possible to include link to EHSO announcement. Verify any other posts related to office events. Liaise with Communication Coordinator to ensure appropriate promotion of events on social media.
Research Coordinators and Project Managers
Take responsibility for project content in terms of relevance, currentcy and competence. Encourage contribution from Researchers regarding project activity and personal reflection. Allow time when possible in weekly update meetings to discuss potential website contributions with Researchers. Periodically check that all projects are represented on the website, or if projects need to be added or archived. If additions or removals are to be made, flag the Communications Coordinator, or if in doubt, the relevant Assitant Director.
Keep project activity and events updated on the website. Take pictures at events and relevant activities when possible. Use time with Research Coordinators to discuss potential ways to contribute actively to the website.
Technical Site Role Descriptions
Multimedia/Communications person, other staff as approved
- Can write and edit to all areas of the site
- Requires knowledge of HTML and Wordpress template editing and training session
- Add/Drop users
- All editor privileges
All other staff
- Edit all posts/pages
- Add new posts/pages
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