Documentation:EHealth Strategy Office/Staff Documentation/Website Guidelines/Workshop Notes

From UBC Wiki


  • Faculty member in the FOM wondering about getting eHealth expertise for the research project
  • A profession wondering what training they can take in eHealth
  • A funding body deciding whether to give us grant
  • External project partners

Think like a visitor

Thinking about the range of individual who will visit our website. What types of question might they have about the content listed on our website and what questions do you feel are most important?

  • What is this project?
  • Why should I care?
  • How does it benefit me?
  • How do I know you can deliver on the project?
  • Who can I talk to?


  • How can I get involved?
  • What else is out there? Why is this project unique?
  • How does our office relate to the Faculty of Medicine? To UBC as a whole?
  • Resources, Presentations,
  • People who work there or potential collaboration,
    • Looking for personality, too, wondering about the climate
  • Give visitors project information in bite-size pieces, break things up into sections
    • Define sections of the website
  • Some projects also have their own websites, need to make that obvious
  • Project Status -- ongoing, start/end, archiving
    • Archive section for older projects
    • Growth and History
    • This links nicely to reports and publications about the projects, too. People still contact us about old
  • Page about what is eHealth. Bigger than just EMR.
    • How does it relate to telehealth, e-health literacy
    • Many offices have different focuses. And eHealth has many definitions.
  • Avoid too much text. Make it visual, interactive.
    • So many of our projects are about public engagement. Need to involve them, too.