Documentation:EHealth Strategy Office/Tech Support/Website/HTML Basics

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What is HTML?

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. It is a way of describing how a set of text and images should be displayed to the viewer, similar in concept to a newspaper editor’s markup symbols.

HTML is very easy to use; it was designed that way. You don’t have to be a programmer to use it. If you can edit a text file, then you can write HTML (and if you can write an email, you can edit a text file).

HTML Elements (Tags)

The basic unit of HTML markup is called a Tag. You wrap tags around chunks of text that you want to manipulate. These chunks might be <p>paragraphs</p>, they might be <strong>bold text</strong>, they might be <a href="">hyperlinks</a>.

The reason we say “wrap” is because every tag that is opened, must eventually be closed.

  • An opening tag looks like this: <a>
  • A closing tag, which begins with a slash, looks like this: </a>
  • Tags that do not require both an opening and a closing tag, such as line breaks, look like this: <br />

Commonly Used Tags

  • p. Paragraph. This makes a chunk of text appear like a paragraph, with a little bit of space at the bottom.
  • br. Line Break. This tag forces a new line to begin. Used to hard wrap text.
  • a. Anchor. These make links. Not sure why they don’t call it a link, but hey.
  • img. IMaGe. Allows you to insert images into your page.
  • div. Division. This is a general block element that allows you to create styles around.


Most tags also carry things called attributes. This is a way of specifying specific things that you want to make happen.

Tags with attributes inside it looks like this:

<a href="">This will be a link to Google.</a>
Tag : a
Attribute 'href'. Reference: website that the link will go to. (Don't forget the http:// !!)
<img src="" alt="An example image" height="250" width="400" />
Tag : img
Atrribute 'src'. Source: where the actual image is located (most often a URL)
Attribute 'alt'. Alternate text: words that are used by screen readers for blind visitors and search engines.
Attribute 'height'. Specifies how high (in pixels) you want your image to appear.
Attribute 'width'. Specificies how wide (in pixels) you want your image to appear.