Documentation:Digital Tattoo Student Orientation/First Week

From UBC Wiki


Congratulations on your new position as a Digital Tattoo Project Coordinator/Contributor! There will be some things you will want to do in your first week with us that will help orient you to the work ahead. Read on...


  • You will need an account on the UBC wiki (just login with your CWL and create a user profile).
  • You'll need to be added to the Digital Tattoo site as administrator. You will send the email (associated with your CWL) to and ask her to add you.
  • Teams: our project management tool
  • Google: You do not need a google account ( and are not required to have one), but make sure to request access to the student share files via or another DT student member.


  • All pw for our social media accounts etc. are on Teams. Login and get oriented as soon as you get an account.


  • We will work out a time for you to go up to the Learning Commons work space in the Library level 3 and get oriented to the workstation there. You will mainly be using the Mac for times when you need to work on the video editing software or save/transfer files to the hard drive. Some hours in the space will be required.

Job Orientation

  • Start off by reviewing (make notes where information is confusing or where you have questions):
    • All of the content on the Wiki documentation page
    • Digital Tattoo Teams page
    • Google Student folder -- UBC - U of T Partnership > Digital Tattoo Student Share
      • Review the current Digital Tattoo Project Workplan
    • Each section of the Digital Tattoo site.
      • Make a detailed review of each page - noting any questions/content that you needs to change
      • create a plan of pages/content to be changed over the first few weeks on this page: Content QA

More on Digital Tattoo

  • See our About page for more information and official definitions.
  • A basic, (if out dated) rundown of the Digital Tattoo is available here
  • See our Discovery page for information on site navigation
  • Make sure to look at Resources sections in wiki where available ( ex. Learning Design wiki page)