Documentation:Digital Tattoo Case Studies Project/Pharmacy/Assessment

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The assessment tools used for the Digital Tattoo Case Studies for Pharmacy Students consist of the following:

Workshop participants will have the opportunity to complete the Pre Workshop Survey prior to the reviewing the Case Studies. They will also be asked to complete the Post Workshop Survey after reviewing and discussing them. The surveys were created using Qualtirics software.


The Pre and Post Workshop Surveys intend to assess participant knowledge and confidence prior to, and following, their engagement with the Case Studies. They both contain the same questions, with the exception of the an additional question in the Post Workshop Survey, which asks that students provide written, qualitative feedback on their experience participating in the workshop.

For each question in both the Pre and Post Workshop Surveys, participants have the opportunity to select one of three answers: "Agree," "Disagree," and "I'm not sure." The binary expressed by Agree/Disagree is intended to assess if participants are, or are not, confident and knowledgable about digital identity topics. The assessment tools do not intend to assess nuance. By assessing whether there is knowledge and confidence or whether there is not, this binary will help assess the efficacy of the workshop materials, as it should make changes prior to and after the workshop more measurable.


Early drafts of the Pre and Post Workshop Surveys for the Pharmacy Case Studies were comprised of questions that were distinct from those used in the Digital Tattoo Teacher Candidate Workshop. However, discussions among the research team raised questions about how the Pre/Post Workshop Surveys for Pharmacy Students could be used against those of the Teacher Candidate Workshop, and how mirroring the two could create cohesiveness around the Digital Tattoo project as a whole.

The consensus from these discussions was to create consistency between the two sets of assessment tools. The research team decided that this would not only align the goals of the two Workshops, but would also increase the measurability of the learning outcomes of Digital Tattoo. As a result, the questions from Teacher Candidate Assessment Tools were adapted for the context of the Pharmacy workshop.

The two sets of assessment surveys differ in select areas, as listed below:

  • In the Pre Workshop Survey, one question was added - Question 6 - because the research team felt that it captured the ethos of all of the Pharmacy Cases.
  • True/False answers were changed to Agree/Disagree; this decision was informed by the Pharmacy Faculty liaison, who explained to the research team that Agree/Disagree answers are commonly used in medical/scientific literature. The decision was made to change answers to Agree/Disagree because it still captures the binary reflected by True/False answers, but resembles wording that is more familiar to students in the health sciences.
  • The term "online platforms" was used to replace "online communication technologies" in Question 4 to avoid confusion, as pharmacists use "online communication technologies" to complete their work.
  • Questions 8 and 9 were combined into a single question.

The Pre and Post Workshop Surveys were piloted with a small group comprised of two Digital Tattoo Graduate Assistants, and a fourth-year student pharmacist, prior to their publication.