Documentation:CTLT Resources/Selected TL Topics Software

From UBC Wiki

Educational Leadership

Educational leaders promote meaningful changes that have a deep impact beyond the classroom and documenting your educational leadership activities is necessary for candidates in both the professoriate stream and educational leadership stream. Please do not assume that your educational leadership contributions will be “obvious” to your reader; instead, work to carefully present a case for your contributions, and highlight the impact of your work (with evidence, where possible).

At UBC, a well-constructed teaching portfolio and effective curriculum vitae may be used for merit considerations and in the tenure and promotion process. The teaching portfolio allows you to meaningfully expand on, and demonstrate the impact of, initiatives (and other information) you have included in your CV.

Please consult with your department head or chair of the tenure and promotion committee to determine exactly what documentation you must supply and in what format. The Senior Appointment Guide also provides helpful information.

Portfolios from UBC Educational Leadership Faculty Members

  • Silvia Bartolic, Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Sociology, University of British Columbia
  • Christina Hendricks, Professor of Teaching and Academic Director for the UBC Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology, University of British Columbia
  • Catherine Rawn, Professor of Teaching, Psychology Department, University of British Columbia
  • Jonathan Verrett, Associate Professor of Teaching, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia

Many thanks to the EL faculty members who have shared their teaching portfolios. If you would like to add your EL portfolio to list, please email Isabeau Iqbal (isabeau[dot]iqbal[at]

Teaching Dossiers Additional Resources