Documentation:CTLT Resource Room Project: Inventory (Summer 2011)
This page is a project description for the Summer 2011 inventory of holdings in the CTLT Resource Room. It was created to (1) give instructions to assistant working on the project, and (2) document the process for future inventories.
Rationale and Goals
There has not been a comprehensive inventory taken of the CTLT Resource Room since at least 2008. Lydia (RR Coord. August 2008-Sept 2011) has performed spot checks and partial inventories the last two summers and does not expect a huge discrepancy between the database and the physical holdings. The goal of the inventory is simply to check the physical holdings against the RefWorks database of holdings. The Resource Room Coordinator will then use the results to improve the database to reflect current holdings.
The project includes the following steps. Responsibility for each of these steps is indicated in parenthesis.
1. Create complete list of holdings as reflected in the RefWorks database (RR Coord - this is complete and available for download under "Resources Needed" below)
2. Notify all CTLT staff that an inventory is taking place and asking them to return any books they have out; contact people who have checked out books via the log book individually (RR Coord)
3a. Check the list against books physically in room (assist)
- note which books are:
- present in the RR and in the catalogue
- present in the RR but not in the catalogue
- not present in the RR but present in the catalogue (please note the author, title, edition, year, and number of pages for each of these)
- otherwise weird/any other relevant categories that present themselves during the process
3b. Stamp each book with CTLT stamp - use a label to cover the "Property of TAG" stamp if there is one (assist)
4. Reconcile actual holdings and database (RR Coord)
- The call to return books coincides with "busy season" in the RR. The inventory is a good excuse to make sure all the books that might've found their way into people's offices migrate back.
- Inventory should begin c.a. 15 August (pending availability, return of all books, and a new CTLT stamp).
- There is not a strict timeline for this project. Dates can be negotiated by the RR Coord. and assistant.
Resources Needed
- Download the List of Holdings here (RR Coord)
- coding system for categories listed above (assist)
- CTLT Stamp for books
- labels to cover existing TAG stamps in some books
- c.a. 20-30 hours labour (assist)
- c.a. 10-20 hours labour (RR Coord)