
From UBC Wiki

Course Roles

What roles can be set?

UBC Guide: Documentation:LTHub/Canvas/Course roles

I need to be added to a course!

If you are a TA, contact your T-Rep to make sure your paperwork is processed. SIS will load you into the Canvas course automatically.

We can provide temporary 2 week access to a course; submit a request at


How can I automatically assign groups?

Canvas Guides:

How can I manually assign groups?

Canvas Guides:

How can I import groups?

Create a CSV file in the format shown below.

Format your CSV like this.

Contact our office, and we can import the groups into Canvas.

How can I make groups self signup?

Canvas Guide:

How do I prevent students from switching groups after self signup?

In the group settings, disable self signup.

How do I notify students who haven't signed up for a group?

Canvas Guide:

How can I export a group list?

  1. Contact our office, and we can export a CSV file of the group lists.
  2. Alternatively, there is a workaround through iPeer
    1. UBC Guide:

Why have the groups changed?

Canvas is synced with UBC's Student Information System (SIS); students who drop the course or join will automatically be updated. We recommend waiting until after the Add/Drop date before creating your groups.