Course talk:SPPH381B/Essays/Modern occupational health policy - Alexandra

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Video with text 123:08, 6 March 2017

Video with text

Hi - thanks for the good question today about how to get the text to wrap around the video you've added to your page. I figured it out and here's the code you'll want to use:

<div class="floatright">{{#widget:YouTube|id=kDkfxu_yR8M|height=360|width=520|right}}</div>

I've taken the liberty of adding this code to your page - please feel free to undo or ignore the change.


WillEngle (talk)23:17, 16 February 2017

Hi Will,

Thank you so much; it looks much better when the text is wrapped around it! And my apologies for not noticing this message earlier.

Thanks, Alex

Alexandra Kitt (talk)23:08, 6 March 2017