Course talk:PHYS341/Archive/2016wTerm2/AcousticsofReedInstruments

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Peer Review120:36, 6 April 2017

Peer Review

Figure 1. code for reference list
  • You can use this code (Fig 1.) to generate the reference list on the bottom of your wiki.
Figure 2. sample code for inserting wikipedia hyperlink
  • I recommend linking more technical terms to wikipedia articles to redirect readers to more information. Like this: physics. Not only does it allow the reader more information, you can actually explain certain things in less detail or not at all because if they want to know more about something, they have a link to a full article just on that subject. Example code in fig 2.
  • Its great to see how you already have so much writing done but, in adherence with the "wikipedia style", the fact that you only have 3 references inserted right now and the entire section on reed vibration doesn't have a single reference at all is an issue. Of course, if you already have the references sorted out but simply haven't coded them in yet that's fine as long as its done eventually.
  • Are you going to cover all three types of reeds? (single, double, free) It looks like you're specifically focusing on single reed instruments so maybe specify at the beginning of your article that this is about single reed instruments only?
  • A "See Also" section might also be good to redirect readers to other wiki/wikipedia articles that cover topics related to but not directly mentioned in your article.
  • Watch out for qualitative words like "perfect". This makes it a subjective statement and open to rebuke.
Example: "The motion of a string hitting the bridge is a perfect example of this phenomenon."
Having just "The motion of a string hitting the bridge is an example of this phenomenon." is more in line with the wikipedia style of pure facts.
Figure 3. code for equation format idea
  • If you enlarge the reed vibration pressure equation using the /big code and then provide a small description under it as if it was an image, it might help facilitate understanding.
Like this:
pΔ = poc-pr
Equation for calculating __________
Take a look at and you'll see what i mean
it also just makes the equation easier to read in general
feel free to grab the code i used (Fig 3).
  • The overall layout of your article is very nice and well structured with good breaks and I didn't feel like I got slammed with a wall of text. It will definitely look even better once you get some images in there. If you're looking for public domain images then is the place to go to (just in case you're still looking around).
EdwinChau (talk)19:32, 27 March 2017

Thanks for all your comments Edwin! Truly appreciated.

ChadBush (talk)20:36, 6 April 2017