Course talk:LFS350/Projects/2014W1/T16/Proposal

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Weekly Updates (Nov 16- Nov 22)019:36, 22 November 2014
Weekly Updates (Nov 9- Nov 15)018:45, 15 November 2014
Weekly Updates (Nov 2 - Nov 8)002:57, 9 November 2014
Progress Report (Nov. 4)005:06, 5 November 2014
Weekly Updates (Oct 26- Nov 1)017:55, 1 November 2014
Weekly Updates (Oct 19 - Oct 25)022:52, 25 October 2014
Progress Report (Oct. 22)021:45, 22 October 2014
Weekly Updates022:50, 14 October 2014

Weekly Updates (Nov 16- Nov 22)

Completed tasks:

Made revisions on the toolkit based on Andrew’s feedback

Presented toolkit at the inFARMation event on 11/18

Sent Paul (executive director at GNH), a version of the toolkit for feedback

Assigned tasks in the powerpoint and report for each member to complete

Currently working on:

Completing our assigned sections on power point presentation

Completing our assigned sections on the report

Will be meeting on Monday and Tuesday to go over the powerpoint

Making the toolkit visually appealing and will be printing this out

Waiting for a response from the remaining people we wanted to interview

LisaLiu (talk)19:36, 22 November 2014

Weekly Updates (Nov 9- Nov 15)

tasks completed

-Finished toolkit on time and sent it to Andrew (on the 12th)

-Received feedback from Andrew and made revisions to the toolkit and sent it back (14th)

Currently working on:

-arranging meeting times to work on the report

-Compile questions for the remaining interviews for the report

-Prepping for Tuesday Nov 17th event

LisaLiu (talk)18:45, 15 November 2014

Weekly Updates (Nov 2 - Nov 8)

Tasks Completed

-met up with Andrew to collect remaining data regarding land for the toolkit (Nov 4)

-had a phone meeting with Stephanie, a representative of Gordon Nelson/ building owner (Nov 7); collected data, ie.asked her questions about her relationship with GNH urban farm and etc...

-obtained means of contacting the remaining people that we wanted to interview

-created an outline of toolkit

Currently working on:

-finish inputting data into the toolkit to be submitted to Andrew on the 12th.

LisaLiu (talk)02:57, 9 November 2014

Progress Report (Nov. 4)

On November 4th, some our group members met with Andrew to ask him questions on the toolkit regarding land use.

We also found out that we were expected to present the toolkit during the potluck as well. We were unaware of this and now our deadline for the toolkit is on the 12th of November.

Currently working on -Organizing our data for the toolkit -Replying to Stephanie and asking her our questions -Following up with Susanna via email

LisaLiu (talk)05:06, 5 November 2014

Weekly Updates (Oct 26- Nov 1)

Tasks Completed

-Mahin met up with Will (Oct 27) to ask questions about our project. Will provided her some feedback and Mahin relayed back the feedback to our group.

-As a group we solidified our new research questions with Will's feedback and asked Lucy for feedback during break out session (Oct 29)

-Set up an interview/meet up time with Andrew for Nov 4

-Andrew put us in contact with Stephanie Nelson via email

Currently working on

-Finish proposal and charter revisions by tonight

-Finalizing questions to ask Andrew for interview

-Finalizing questions to ask Stephanie

-In contact with Susanna with questions regarding the Urban Farm volunteers

LisaLiu (talk)17:55, 1 November 2014

Weekly Updates (Oct 19 - Oct 25)

Tasks Completed

-discussed the proposal feedback with Lucy during breakout session (Oct 22)

-during tutorial meeting (Oct 22), we decided on a new research question

-organized our data collected from the interview with Susanna (Oct 15) into categories for the toolkit

Currently Working on:

-project proposal revisions and will be emailing Andrew again for stakeholders’ contact information, and will be emailing Andrew and Susanna about specific information regarding topics in the toolkit

LisaLiu (talk)22:52, 25 October 2014

Progress Report (Oct. 22)

- On Oct 15th, our group met up with Susanna (Lead Farmer of GNH) - We made an outline of how we wanted to break up our toolkit: Land, Water, Funding, Food growth, Labour, Collaborative community - We recorded and asked her questions relating to the above topics - Obtained operation and logistical information - Toured the urban farm sites - Took photo and video footage of urban farm sites

Crescent (talk)21:45, 22 October 2014

Weekly Updates

Group 16 will be posting up their weekly updates on this discussion thread.

Rjhalli (talk)22:50, 14 October 2014