Course talk:CPSC522/Multi-Attribute Utility

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Thread titleRepliesLast modified
Feedback020:56, 16 October 2023
Feedback103:51, 14 October 2023

This feedback will be brief as it still isn't finished.

You need to spend more of the space describing the actual contribution of the second paper over the first (which was the point of the assignment). The rest of the paper is giving the context to understand this. I think a lot of the other details can be omitted (which will save you time). For example; does the paper use stochastic or deterministic policies? Describe the one used; you are not expected to give a survey of all alternatives.

Don't expect the reader to understand terms like "generic context space". Perhaps just have one running example, and refer to that example when defining terms.

DavidPoole (talk)20:56, 16 October 2023

I thought your introduction to the topic was very clear and concise. It is hard for me to give feedback without reading the completed page. It is not quite clear to me how the first paper builds on the second one or what is in each paper but that could be something you plan to add in.

KATHERINEBREEN (talk)03:44, 14 October 2023

Thanks! Yeah, the page isn't ready yet and won't be done tonight, unfortunately. Hopefully the rest makes sense once I can add it.

ClairRoss (talk)03:51, 14 October 2023